Paignton BC

 Club Contacts  Position  Info
 Neil Bemment  Chairman Home: 01803 874028
Mobile: 07762604474
 Gareth Pearse  Secretary Mobile: 07896 321618
 Pete Ford  Match Secretary Home:01803 401125
Mobile: 07754113382
Cuthbert Mayne School,
Trumlands Road,
 Detail  Senior Details  Junior
 Club Start Time 19:00 -21:00
 Club Night Tuesday
 Match Night Mainly Tuesday, some Thursday
 Standard Good  .
 Visitor Policy Current membership includes players of all age groups and varying abilities. We are currently looking to increase our membership numbers and invite both players who want to play matches and those who just wish to play as a social member. We consider ourselves to be a friendly and encouraging club with our main aim being for members to play to a good standard, and to enjoy the game. We have an annual tournament, the Hollyman, where we join with Marine and Adelphi Shuttles – this is played on one night at the beginning of March. We finish our season with a Club Tournament.
 Membership-Fee Adult £100. Students £60 & Visitors fees £5.
 Visitor Fee £5
 Match Fee £3
 See above
 League Team Information
 Level Doubles Paignton A Division 1  1 Team
 Social League Paignton A
Paignton B
 2 Teams
 Medley Paignton Red (A) Division 1
Paignton White (B) Division 1
Paignton Blue (C) Division 2
 3 Teams